Current Research at UCSF

Below are the team's studies that are actively recruiting. If you are interested in participating or learning more about a study, please click on the study title/image!

The BrainEx Study

Sasha Gorrell, PhD

Neural correlates of reinforcement learning specific to hyperactivity in adolescent Anorexia Nervosa.

We are recruiting teens (ages 14-18) with anorexia nervosa OR with no history of an eating disorder or current psychiatric disorder

The TMS Study

Sasha Gorrell, PhD

Non-invasive brain stimulation to treat Anorexia Nervosa!

We are recruiting adults (18+) with anorexia nervosa to participate.

The MAXED Study

Sasha Gorrell, PhD

Exercise study for young women with and without disordered eating patterns.

We are recruiting females (ages 16-22) with symptoms of disordered eating OR no history of disordered eating.


Learning & Outcome in AN

Erin Reilly, PhD

Help us understand whether differences in youth learning may account for different responses to Family-Based Treatment!

We are recruiting females (ages 14-17) who are currently struggling with anorexia nervosa AND youth who have no history of an eating disorder.

Mindful Motivation Study

Rachel Radin, PhD

Join the UCSF Mindful Motivation Study to learn mindfulness skills and improve your eating behaviors!

We are recruiting adults (18+) who experience at least 1 binge episode a month and have access to a smartphone or computer.

Below are other studies being conducted by the team:

Disordered Eating and Muscle-Enhancing Behaviors in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health 

Jason Nagata, MD, MSc

We are analyzing national data that has followed adolescents 11-18 years old for over 25 years. We are examining health consequences of eating disorders, disordered eating behaviors, and muscle-enhancing behaviors in adolescents and young adults.

Eating Disorders and Body Image in Sexual and Gender Minorities: The PRIDE Study

Jason Nagata, MD, MSc

We are partnering with The PRIDE Study, a large national study of people who identify as a sexual and/or gender minority (SGM), including, but not limited to, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals. We are studying eating disorder attitudes and behaviors as well as muscle-enhancing behaviors in The PRIDE Study.

Eating Disorders in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study 

Jason Nagata, MD, MSc

We are analyzing national data that has followed adolescents 9-10 years old. We are examining the epidemiology, risk factors, and health consequences of adolescent eating disorders, especially binge-eating disorder. We are particularly examining the role of social media as a risk factor for eating disorders.

UCSF Eating Disorder Program Medical Registry

Jason Nagata, MD, MSc and Andrea Garber, PhD

We are studying medical management and medical complications of eating disorders in adolescents and young adults. We have focused on understudied populations including males and LGBTQ+ adolescents and young adults hospitalized with eating disorders.

StRONG: The Study of Refeeding to Optimize iNpatient Gains 

Andrea Garber, PhD

The Study of Refeeding to Optimize iNpatient Gains is a prospective randomized controlled trial examining two different diets for nutritional rehabilitation during hospitalization, among patients 12 to 24 years old. Unlike previous studies in this area of research, participants will be followed for one year after leaving the hospital. The purpose is to study the relationship between dietary style of refeeding during hospitalization and the rate of recovery and relapse in the outpatient setting. Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness will all be taken into account. Patients who are hospitalized may choose to participate in this study without changing any aspect of their care plan except for participation in additional assessment procedures such as completion of psychological questionnaires, interviews, and five brief follow-up study visits over the course of a year, which may be coordinated with standard outpatient visits. 

Online Training in Family Based Therapy

Stanford University and University of California, San Francisco are conducting a study funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health to examine an enhanced form of online training in Family Based Treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa.

For more information about this study, please go to:

Learn more about the training under investigation here:       

Optimizing Fidelity in Family-Based Treatment for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa

Daniel Le Grange, PhD

We are currently conducting a research study that involves coding audio-recorded sessions of family-based treatment for anorexia nervosa to examine therapists' adherence to the family-based treatment manual. This study aims to optimize the efficacy of family-based treatment.  For more information about this study, please go to:

Study of Psilocybin for Anorexia Nervosa in Young Adults (SPANYA)

Marissa Raymond-Flesch, MD, MPH

Psilocybin therapy is a promising new treatment for depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. SPANYA is the first study of psilocybin therapy in young adults (18 to 25 years old) with anorexia nervosa. Psilocybin therapy involves preparatory therapy sessions, psilocybin dosing sessions, and integrative therapy sessions with trained mental health providers.  This study will involve careful medical and mental health screening and monitoring of participants. The purpose of this study is to understand the safety and efficacy of psilocybin therapy for the treatment of anorexia nervosa in young adults who have remained ill despite prior therapies. This study is conducted in partnership with UCSF’s Translational Psychedelic Research (TrPR) Program. We will begin enrolling participants in late 2023 or early 2024. You can donate to this research project here: MAKEAGIFT.UCSF.EDU/RAYMOND-FLESCH

The National Eating Disorder Quality Improvement Collaborative

The National Eating Disorder Quality Improvement Collaborative is a national collaborative of Adolescent Medicine sites that provide care to patients with eating disorders. The initial goal of this collaboration was to collect and pool outcome data in order to compare effectiveness of different programs in the context of available services. The belief was that this would help to explain which program-specific factors led to improved outcomes. UCSF participated in this initial work and has remained a part of this collaborative as it broadens and expands its research scope.

Study of Hospitalized Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa (SHAAN)

Andrea Garber, PhD

Weight gain during hospitalization predicts better outcomes for patients with Anorexia Nervosa.  However, weight gain is difficult to achieve and little is known about optimal diets to safely maximize nutritional recovery. The SHAAN study is a prospective examination of refeeding during hospitalization among patients 9 to 20 years old. The purpose is to study the relation between diet and weight change, so that better nutritional approaches can be developed. Patients who are hospitalized may choose to participate in this study without changing any aspect of their care plan except for participation in several additional assessment procedures such as completion of psychological questionnaires, a bone scan, and echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart).