Learning & Outcome in Anorexia Nervosa

Erin Reilly, PhD

Help us understand whether differences in how youth learn may account for different responses to Family-Based Treatment!

The goal of this study is to better understand whether there are differences between youth who struggle with anorexia nervosa and youth who have never struggled with an eating disorder in several processes relevant to learning. We plan to test whether differences in how teens with eating disorders process information may predict how they do in treatment and can give us ideas for how to improve treatments in the future. 

Participants with anorexia nervosa will receive 6 months of treatment at no cost for participating in the study. All participants will be asked to complete a brief phone call, a Zoom interview, and attend one in-person appointment during which they will complete computer tasks and may be asked to complete a blood draw. Teens with anorexia nervosa will be asked to attend two more in-person visits 1- and 6-months later.

We are recruiting females who are currently struggling with anorexia nervosa (ages 14-17) AND youth who have never had a history of an eating disorder (ages 14-17). We are excluding some participants who are taking different types of medication or have other disorders that may relate to learning.

Participants with anorexia nervosa can receive 6-months of Family-Based Treatment with the UCSF Eating Disorders Program at no cost as part of their participation in the study. They can also receive up to $315 in gift cards for completing all study procedures. Teens who do not have an eating disorder can receive up to $135 in gift cards for their participation.

Contact Us:

Study Lead: Erin E. Reilly, Ph.D.

Study Coordinator: Kianna Zucker, BS (415) 476-0622

Lab Email: [email protected]

Website: https://reillylab.ucsf.edu/participate-research