The MAXED Study

Sasha Gorrell, PhD

Exercise Study for Young Women With and Without Disordered Eating Patterns

The goal of this study is to better understand driven exercise in those with eating disorder symptoms and characterize differences in cognitive, affective, and biological response to exercise among adolescents and young adults with eating disorders. This research is to provide better understanding of exercise response among those with eating disorder symptoms in order to develop better exercise-based interventions.

Participants will be asked to exercise, take part in a food challenge, and wear an activity tracker (no display screen) for 8 days. They will meet with research staff for a screening visit and three separate task visits, as well as complete at-home questionnaires.

We are recruiting medically stable female participants (ages 16-22) with symptoms of disordered eating OR no history of disordered eating.

Participants can earn up to $200 for participating.

Contact Us:

Study Lead: Sasha Gorrell, PhD; (415) 502-2716

Study Coordinator: Orienne Yu, BS; (415) 514-3547; [email protected]

Lab Email: [email protected]
